Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I too feel it is important not to introduce Hannah too soon. Some time should be given to Blue and Gareth’s character development before Hannah comes on the scene. Blue’s crush on Andreo Verduga and his stabbing should be shown briefly. In the book Blue says that her father was at a faculty diner in honor of the new dean when Verduga appeared bloody at the door. I now find myself questioning the existence of this diner and wondering if Gareth was somehow involved in the stabbing. Details, anecdotes or descriptions that make the whole Nightwatchmen conspiracy seem more plausible should be included if at all possible. After seeing the movie once, the viewer can watch it again and again, each time picking up new clues that foreshadow and validate Blue’s discovery at the conclusion of the book. With the book I found myself rereading passages during the climatic final sequences just to make sure I had everything straight. You can’t rewind at your leisure while in a movie theater so the details of how everything weaves together at the end must be very clear. The movie should be like the book in that after it is finished details are still up for discussion. The director should leave certain things open ended. Was Gareth involved in Hannah’s death? Did Gareth and Hannah have a romantic relationship? Was that Gareth at the Costume Party? Was Natasha’s death really an accident? Did Hannah intend for Blue to uncover the truth? I picture people debating these questions as the credits are rolling.


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